Volunteer Duties
Some of QP’s volunteer jobs have specific responsibilities, which are outlined below. If you have any problem fulfilling your commitment, please let the Volunteer Coordinator know as far in advance as possible. It is very hard to replace you, especially at the last minute! But please call the theater at 781-942-2212 if there is an unexpected problem the day of your commitment and let the Stage Manager know.
QP Parker Responsibilities:
- For Fridays & Saturdays performances, arrive at the theater by 7:00 PM or 1:00 PM on Sundays.
- Notify the Stage Manager of your arrival.
- The Stage Manager or Box Office will notify you if a patron needs special assistance such as handicap ramp access.
- Collect a flashlight and a safety vest . Please wear the safety vest.
- Place the Handicapped Cones/Signs in front of the house if they are not out there and take them in at end of performance.
- Put rest of the cones next to handicap ramp wide enough to allow an emergency vehicle to get to the front door. This is a FIRE REGULATION. Please remove at end of performance.
- Direct all cars to BACK INTO THE LOT – starting the back row as close to the fence as possible. One parker should direct cars from the street to back up to the parker who is lining cares up in rows.
- Ensure the cast and crewmembers park behind Harrows restaurant. If there are neighbors parked in the QP parking lot before the show starts please try to get them to move their car(s).
- This is a residential area. All patrons should park on our lot and not block our neighbors’ driveways. QP is not responsible for neighbors having cars towed from their front lawns.
- Tin Mine Road is the side street on right heading to RT28 & Shell Station. It is safer for patrons to park on this street instead of Hopkins Street if the lot is full. There is a sidewalk from this side street to the playhouse.
- You are entitled to one free ticket for parking cars at a performance.
- Your ticket can be for any performance but you have to make reservations with the ticket coordinator.
QP Refresher Responsibilities:
- For Friday & Saturday performances arrive at the theater by 7:15 PM. On Sundays 1:15 PM.
- Report your arrival to the stage Manager before the show starts and set up refreshments.
- If you are attending the performance that you are refreshing, you may need an additional 15min. And you must sit close to an exit in order to get to Lobby Counter before the patrons at Intermission.
- You will be selling water prior to the performance at 7:30 or 1:30 as well as with refreshments at Intermission.
- Refreshment items will be water, can drinks and pre-packaged munchies only.
- They will be sold in the upstairs lobby during Pre-show and at Intermission.
- Pre-packaged items are kept in sealed containers below lobby table. What is there is there.
- Water and canned drinks are in the small refrigerator in the front lobby.
- Suggest a representative sample of items be put out, replenishing when needed.
- The cash box will be kept in its normal spot. Please check with Stage Manager if you do not know where that is and please return it to same location at end of production.
- After intermission clean the Lobby table and put unsold drinks into refrigerator by type and the pre-packaged munchies into sealed storage bins left in their baskets.
- Restock refrigerator with water and drinks. Please leave a note on the refrigerator if you are short of anything that may be needed for the next show.
- There will be a recycle bin for any drinks that have bottle deposit fee in the lobby for our patrons.
- You are entitled to one free ticket for refreshing at a performance.
- Your ticket can be for any performance but you have to make reservations with the ticket coordinator.
QP Usher Responsibilities:
- For Friday & Saturday performances arrive at the theater by 7 PM or 1 PM for Sunday Matinees.
- Report your arrival to the Stage Manager and check with Stage Manager to see if your presence will be required to guard the set during Intermission
- Locate, fold or insert enough programs if necessary for the performance.
- Note location of fire extinguishers and read instructions for use. There are fire extinguishers in the front & back lobbies, the stage area, the booth and downstairs in the kitchen area, workroom, green room and dressing room.
- Note all exits. They should be lighted and unlocked. Please see Stage Manager if there is any issue.
- Dimmed lights must be left on for safety in the front lobby in case a patron has to leave during a performance. The light switches are labeled and you should be familiar with where they are located.
- You need to be in the front lobby by the double doors to the theater at 7:25PM (1:25 PM on Sunday) as the house opens at 7:30 PM (1:30PM) at the direction of the Stage Manager.
- The production program is the patron ticket.
- Identify and keep a count of available seats in the house to accommodate last minute or late audience members.
- When a wheelchair or handicap access patron is known to be attending a performance, you will be shown where the reserved seats are located to direct them to appropriate seating.
- If a patron needs access but we were not made aware, please ask the Stage Manager or an available BOD member for assistance to provide an appropriate seating.
- Identify and keep a count of available seats in the house to expedite the seating of patrons, which includes last minute and late audience members.
- The production Stage Manager is in charge of the safety and the running of the house during the performance. Any emergencies or issues should be directed to the Stage Manager.
- Common sense should prevail under all circumstances. Safety first is the goal.
- Ushers must sit in the theater during the performance with a working flashlight to assist patrons who may have to leave during the performance or come in late. You can reserve a seat before the performance.
- At intermission, follow the Stage Manager’s instructions. Guard the set, take applications or help as required. The most important goal is make sure folks in the theater are safe.
- After the show please pick up debris (water bottles, programs and anything else that patrons have left behind). Leave all but the first row chairs in an upright position, if they will stay in that position.